The Cherry Trees of Washington DC
The Cherry Trees of Washington DC
Look at the picture
Read the questions
Think about the topic
Pre-Reading Questions
What types of things do tourists like to see and do in your nation’s capital?
What monuments, buildings, historical sites, and events are attractive to visitors?
What times of year (seasons) do most people visit your nation’s capital?
What do people expect to see when they visit Washington, DC?
What times of year are most popular for tourists?
Read and Pronounce
Read the text aloud to your tutor. Your tutor will listen and provide you with feedback.
The Cherry Trees of Washington, D.C.
Click here to read text.
Speaking Practice
Tell your partner about a place in your country that is attractive to tourists. Why do they want to visit there?
What things are fun to see and do?
What events or celebrations are interesting to attend?
Tell about a significant historical event that happened in your nation’s capital.
Talk with your tutor about this topic. Use the expressions and vocabulary you learned. Use the related resources below to learn more.
More Practice
1. Pretend you are a tour guide in your nation’s capital, or some other interesting place. Include as many details as you can. You might want to show a picture of the place, if you have one.
2. Pretend you are planning to visit your partner’s country. Ask him / her about interesting places to go. Ask your partner to give you details about what to see and do.
3. Pretend you are making a video about a tourist site in your country. Discuss with your partner what you will include in your video.